Saturday, August 14, 2010

La mujer está muriéndose

No voy a estar en casa para la cena.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is a better man?

Nights spent. Here in this city … beautiful. Perhaps only distracted by my own knowledge of permanence. What it is to me I suppose. What is it to await leaving without a destination in mind. Baltimore you say? And how did you come to that…by random you say? Isn’t that how we make our decisions you say? Perhaps… or perhaps by slight seemingly insignificant suggestions by significant others. Wouldn’t you say?

Love your boss.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Every so often I am out hittin' the clubs and I'll be asked a similar question. Who taught you how to dance? What are you doing? Is that dancing? Excuse me could you stop bumping into me.? And My all time Fav: Hey are you aware it's not 1952, and no one does the mashed potatoe anymore?

Regaurdless, these are my fav bum shaking videos today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I like this

Greg Dobel makes
great little comics with people’s facebook statuses. It makes you feel like you're funny or something when he makes one using yours.

Thanks Greg

I keep secrets.

You can tell me.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Owen + Mzee

I miss my best friends a lot today.

<3 <3 <3 S

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blaise Pascal

Just kidding. Needed a de-stressor on this end. Here is a sneak peak.

A book of my favourite quotes... The quotes we should have learned as children.

Keep me warm . so hold me now.

Hello All,

All being probably just my mom. I've been really busy, nothing new. Which means I really haven't been making much as far as extra illustrations on the side. I do a lot of doodles, 2 min to relax your brain a bit I suppose.

I am in the process of moving or possibly not moving. Today is my last day to decide... apartments can be so awful. so it's a tough call. You never really know what you are in for until you get there and the landlord is a crazed old man and the apartment just had some old lady die in it 2 days ago and still kind of smells like moth balls and sherry. Yuck. Or I could stay here in my loud expensive apartment and not deal with moving. I have 9 hours to make my mind up.

We were learning about the different genetic variation in bisexual angiosperms, but the room is so cold I decided it was more important to draw this to keep my mind of my freezing toes and hands.


the B O S S

Post: I have this series I am really excited about in the works. I can't deicde if I want to post it all at once or bit by bit. Either way I probably won't post again for a while. So until then.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

king of skwap

McCaw Jackson!


It always takes me forever to upload. What else is new.

Courtnet Love-bird and Kurt Cobain + Hunter S. Swanson

Love Sylvia.