Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blaise Pascal

Just kidding. Needed a de-stressor on this end. Here is a sneak peak.

A book of my favourite quotes... The quotes we should have learned as children.

Keep me warm . so hold me now.

Hello All,

All being probably just my mom. I've been really busy, nothing new. Which means I really haven't been making much as far as extra illustrations on the side. I do a lot of doodles, 2 min to relax your brain a bit I suppose.

I am in the process of moving or possibly not moving. Today is my last day to decide... apartments can be so awful. so it's a tough call. You never really know what you are in for until you get there and the landlord is a crazed old man and the apartment just had some old lady die in it 2 days ago and still kind of smells like moth balls and sherry. Yuck. Or I could stay here in my loud expensive apartment and not deal with moving. I have 9 hours to make my mind up.

We were learning about the different genetic variation in bisexual angiosperms, but the room is so cold I decided it was more important to draw this to keep my mind of my freezing toes and hands.


the B O S S

Post: I have this series I am really excited about in the works. I can't deicde if I want to post it all at once or bit by bit. Either way I probably won't post again for a while. So until then.